The Runly Logo Explained
Hey guys!
It occurred to me this week that many would not know what the Runly logo is.
This thought came about in a few ways; firstly it was brought up in the Team Runly Strava group.
Is it a bull?
Someone said it looked like a running route - fitting for a Strava post.
At a similar time I also had someone email asking what it represented.
And just a week or two at an event someone asked if it was a fox.
Well, none of those are true.
I actually mentioned this in a previous newsletter. This is the 70th edition of the Runly newsletter, and at a wild guess I'd say it was around newsletter 10 - well over a year ago.
It's time to debunk the myth once more.
This is the logo:

Now, this logo actually came around 6 months after Runly was launched.
I really wanted the brand to represent something. To have some core values that represent what it stands for, the community and me personally.
I was speaking to a friend of mine, who is actually a zoologist by trade.
After telling her about what I wanted the brand to stand for, she came back at me straight away.
'Robbie, I've got it!'
But first let me tell you about the criteria.
The obvious choice for a running brand would be, you know, something fast.
A cheetah. A tiger. An eagle. Maybe even a greyhound.
All majestic and iconic creatures in their own right.
But I wanted something more obscure, niche even.
Something unique that could represent the brand.
One of the key values that I wanted to represent was resilience. It's a value that I hold personally, but it's also a characteristic of runners.
The idea of overcoming adversity. Overcoming the challenges thrown our way and pushing on to complete that 5k, marathon or even an ultra.
The distance is largely irrelevant, because we all need that mindset to be runners.
The other thing I wanted to represent the brand was being a bit of an 'underdog'.
Australian culture loves an underdog story.
And that's what Runly is.
We're coming up against big, gigantic, multinational corporations with infinite budgets. That's who we compete with.
For us to make a mark in the running world, it will be a true underdog story.
So let's get back to the conversation with my friend.
'Let's hear it!' I said.
And she told me.
The Eastern Barred Bandicoot.
I looked at her with a squinched face. 'A what now?'
As she started explaining, I was sold. This is what I've been looking for.
These cute little animals were classified as extinct in the wild (with fewer than 150) and have now been re-classified as endangered. It’s the first time in Australian history this has ever happened.
They're also based in the same area of south-east Australia that Runly was formed.
The EBB is an underdog in the animal kingdom with a number of predators. They're nifty, agile and extremely resilient and patient.
The EBB is an underdog in the animal kingdom with a number of predators. They're nifty, agile and extremely resilient and patient.
Long live the Eastern Barred Bandicoot!
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