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Hybrid Pro Release 2, Melb Mara & Community.

Hybrid Pro Release 2, Melb Mara & Community.

Hey legends!

If you're a regular reader of the Runly Newsletter, you might be wondering why I'm sending this edition on Wednesday, instead of the usual Thursday.
Well, because as of 6am tomorrow morning I am going to be spending four days at the Melbourne Marathon.
Actually, in a couple of hours I'm about to head into the MCG to bump-in all of our gear for the week.
It really only hit me on Monday that we'll be there at our home marathon.
It's a massive honour to just be involved, if I'm being totally honest.
I remember chatting to my wife a couple of years ago and we said 'wouldn't it be cool if one day Runly was at the Melb Mara'.
So it's a cool little milestone to tick off.
I believe there's about 40,000 runners taking part across the races, plus another 15,000 or so family, friends and supporters.
It's going to be a big, chaotic and exciting week.
It's the first time we've ever been involved in an event this big. For contrast, we've driven seven-hour round trips for community events this year with just 150 people.
For anyone heading to the event, we setup a page with all the details - where we'll be, when and what's happening. Tap here to read about it.
So I woke up Monday morning, completely stressed out.
I knew that I was going to have let some of our customers that have pre-ordered know that their order will likely be a little bit late to dispatch.
I'm not sure why I was so anxious about it. In the scheme of things, what's a week, right?
But I couldn't help having this feeling that I had let people down. Especially the Runly community.
It was a sinking feeling.
I wrote the email. Hit send.
I don't usually have my emails open all day, rather I check it periodically throughout the day.
Not that day.
I had it open all day. I wanted to see, understand and reply to everything as quick as possible.
Part of me was dreading what the responses might have been like. I would have copped whatever came my way on the chin, as I absolutely understand that it can be frustrating when delays happen.
What happened next was incredible.
My inbox was flooded.
I had customers replying to my email with pure positivity and support.
It was such an incredible thing for me to see and feel. To have so many great people in and around this brand is unbelievable.
It really does give family vibes.
Now, I don't wanna' come across as a stress head. Because I feel like quite a few stories in this founder update start off with me being stressed or anxious 😅
But the reality is none of this is smooth sailing. Things go wrong sometimes, or there's challenges or sometimes you have to send a tough email.
Those are things that I want to share with you in these founder updates, not just the good things!
In saying that, here is a good thing!

In case you missed all the hype last week, we launched our brand new Hybrid Pro Running Vest, and release 1 sold out!
So amazing to already see it being worn in races and in training - keep tagging us in your Instagram posts & stories - we'll repost them!
If you missed out on the first release, don't worry.
Release 2 just dropped!
We've received our second release delivery yesterday and it's already on the shelf and available online!

You can grab a Hybrid Pro vest here.
That's all for this week. I better go pack up the car and head over to the MCG!
Run well,

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