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Running wild, Next Event & New Arrivals.

Running wild, Next Event & New Arrivals.

Hey Guys!

It was a long weekend in Victoria last week.

It’s fair to say that my crew and I did not waste it.

Stinking hot, 40 degrees couldn’t stop us.

We made the drive up the highway to the Victorian Grampians where we spent 3 full days exploring this magnificent region.

And, you guessed it.

The whole crew was wearing their R700 Hydration Vest.

That's us 👇

There’s something so incredible about getting out there, getting lost sometimes, exploring different peaks and challenging yourself to keep pushing.

A saying we’ve been using a lot lately has been ‘Run Wild’.

It’s really up for interpretation as to how you want to define it. But for me, it’s all about getting out there and exploring and having fun.

It’s not about setting any world records, rather, just doing you. What your ‘wild’ is, is not the same for someone else.

For me, it’s about getting out into places like the Grampians, or the Alpine region, and just having fun.

They are always the best stories.


This week we’ll be running wild up in Wangaratta, a beautiful town up in the north-east of Victoria.

The Wangaratta Marathon & Fun Run is an event we’ve been looking forward to for quite some time!

It will be a big weekend.

We’re planning on driving down Saturday morning, setting up our marquee, arranging our stock for display, then going to find a spot to camp out for the night.

It’s going to be a lot of fun.

If you’re running, or in the area, please come down and say hello!


It feels like our R700 Hydration Vest has been sold out forever!

Honestly, since we launched it almost nine months ago, we have not been able to keep it in stock!

It’s wild!

The good news is that we are now on the final home stretch. We’re expecting stock to arrive in less than a week now.

Thank you to everyone that has secured their vest via pre-order.

If you haven’t done so, there’s just a few days left to take advantage of it. Tap here to secure yours via pre-order.


If you read this email regularly, you probably already know that I love writing & sharing stories.

I’m currently working on displaying a bunch of interesting stories from Runly runners on our website. It’s something I’m really excited about because I think storytelling is important in all aspects of life, but particularly with running.

We’re all naturally storytellers when it comes to running.

Whether it’s about how you overcame health problems or injury to run a marathon, or how running helped your mental health, maybe it’s about how you went for a trail run and got lost in the mountains (that’s me, lol).

I really look forward to sharing some of those stories over the coming months.

Aside from stories, I’ve also been doing a bit of writing on different aspects of running life. Whether it’s how to decide on whether a running vest or running belt is better for you, or which running documentaries you should be watching.

You probably don’t know that I’ve been writing these, as they’re hidden away in a dark corner of the website.

But if you’re interested, here’s a few articles to dip your toes in:

Finally, before I go.

I highly encourage any keen runners to join the Team Runly club on Strava!

Run well, Robbie

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